My Station

My station is mainly set up for 144MHz DX. There is of course also equipment available for other frequencies. There are also modest antennas for these other frequencies. You can find me sporadically on 0-30MHz and 50MHz. 144MHz DX is comprehensive, there are various forms of propagation for Long distance contacts. There are also many modes of operation. Such as EME (moon bouncing), MS (Meteor Scatter) Es (Sporadic E) Tropo, Iono Scatter, Aurora. Contacts in SSB or CW between 700 and 900Km can be made daily and almost 24/7 if the counterpart station is also well equipped.

My main Radio is an Icom 756 Pro-III which I use for IF on my Transverter. The Transverter is a Javornik MK-II which I have put together by myself with the best grade components available. I use this transverter on 14MHz IF. This transverter is followd by a Circulator which is at the input of the ceramic tube amplifier which has enough power to be well heared. RX path is a VHF-Design Pre-amp with an ATF531P8, 50m Coax, bandpass filter, 3-Way splitter and fed into the Javornik transverter, a TS-2000 and an Afedri SDR-Net.

There is also a Kenwood TS-2000 in my shack which can be used for transmitting as well. As I use seperate RX and TX lines switching of transmitter is not a difficult job. The SDR is mainly used for Digital EME communication as I can monitor the whole band at once and see all traffic on the band.


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